Pima Community College

Case Study


Pima Community College needed a re-branding that highlighted the myriad educational opportunities available to the residents of Pima County.


The overall goal was to create an image, brand and call-to-action for new students through educational opportunities that Geo identified for classes offered to the public – both classes that had high enrollment that Pima wanted to expand and those classes that needed increased enrollment.

Needing to work with the college’s governing board, we created metrics and an ROI that was available for complete review.


We identified 11 different studies and classes as a focal point of the campaign and each of the 11 was given its own creative platform that fit within the overall brand.


The campaign was created featuring a combination of methods for community outreach. Those included were both in-home and out-of-home media, plus traditional, digital, and online public relations.


The campaign created positive brand image and increased enrollment to targeted studies and classes. Pima Community College submitted this campaign to its own award category national for community colleges and won 7 of the 11 categories. The campaign was actively placed for two years and the ROI, while not privy to exact enrollment numbers, was overwhelmingly received.

“We demonstrate this passion and commitment to our clients with our professional organization and communication skills and our ability to make any marketing initiative successful, while keeping the client fully involved in the process.”